Welcome to Yami's blog. Thank you for visiting my blog. If you're interested in Hmong food, you came to the right blog. I have a numerous of videos how to cook Hmong food. Make your way to my youtube channel and watch what interest you. If you noticed why I have a lot of boiled dishes, what Hmong youngsters will called it today "Old people food." It is because I am focusing on Hmong traditional food. In the old days, in Laos. Luxury food was meat, any kind, especially boiled chicken with rice, that was considered luxury food. Therefore there will be many boiled dishes and less fried dishes. There were not many fried dishes in the old days. The reason to that is Hmong people lived in the mountains of Laos, therefore they did not have much to eat. They were less fortunate. They also do not have many dishes like other cultures but they do have numerous of amazing dishes. It wasn't until after the Vietnam war that the Hmong people learned many other dishes from othe...